
A high-conflict divorce can have a significant impact on children, both in the short and long term. This is such an overwhelming time in your life and keeping your head above water as well as meeting the needs of your children is a huge challenge.

It may be helpful to be reminded of how divorce can impact your children:

Emotional distress:

Children can experience a range of emotions during a high-conflict divorce, including anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, and confusion. They may feel torn between their parents or blame themselves for the divorce.

Behavioral problems:

Children may exhibit behavioral problems such as aggression, defiance, or withdrawal. They may also experience academic difficulties and have trouble concentrating in school.

Relationship issues:

Children of high-conflict divorces may have trouble forming healthy relationships later in life. They may struggle with trust, communication, and intimacy.

Health problems:

Stress from a high-conflict divorce can affect children’s physical health. They may experience headaches, stomachaches, or other stress-related symptoms.

Financial instability:

Divorce can result in financial instability for both parents, which can impact children’s living arrangements, access to resources, and overall quality of life.

Overall, it’s important to remember that every child is unique and may respond differently to a high-conflict divorce. However, it’s essential to prioritize the child’s well-being during the divorce process and work towards minimizing conflict between parents to avoid the potential negative effects on the children.

Here are some simple strategies you can begin to use to help your children today.

Minimize conflict:

As I mentioned earlier, minimizing conflict between parents is crucial to protecting children from the negative effects of divorce. This means avoiding arguments or confrontations in front of the children, refraining from using them as messengers, and striving to communicate in a respectful and collaborative manner.

Listen and validate:

Children may have strong feelings and opinions about the divorce, and it’s essential for parents to listen to and validate their experiences. Parents can provide emotional support and reassurance to their children, letting them know that their feelings are normal and understandable.

Provide stability and routine:

Divorce can be a disruptive and chaotic time, but parents can help by providing their children with stability and routine as much as possible. This may involve maintaining consistent schedules for meals, homework, and bedtime, and making sure that the children have a stable living environment.

Encourage healthy coping strategies:

Children may need help developing healthy coping strategies to deal with the stress of a high-conflict divorce. Parents can encourage their children to engage in activities they enjoy, such as sports or hobbies, and help them develop self-care habits like exercise, meditation, or mindfulness.

Seek professional support:

In some cases, children may benefit from additional support from a therapist or counselor. Parents can seek out professional support to help their children process their emotions and develop coping strategies for dealing with the challenges of divorce.

By taking these steps, parents can help protect their children from the negative effects of high-conflict divorce and promote their long-term emotional and psychological health. It’s important to remember that divorce can be a difficult process, but with the right support and resources, families can navigate it successfully and emerge stronger on the other side.

Please reach out to me for a complimentary call and I will be happy to share resources and give you additional tools and strategies so that you can put your children in the center and show up as your best self during this challenging time.